Thursday, June 3, 2010


The decision has been made, I'm switching over to tumblr.. I'm a bit sadden by this decision because that means I have to say goodbye to blogspot, but at the same time I'm also happy and excited because it is a new beginning! And as I have been stressing all over this blog there's nothing more exciting than A Fresh Beginning!

This is not an adieu to my readers just a see you later; please come visit my blog at and leave a comment :)

Thanks for all your love and support,
An Artist at Heart

Monday, May 24, 2010

I might be leaving :(

Dear bloggers/reader,

I have some sad news; I might be leaving Blogspot... I found another love and I feel hard: Tumblr!! Tumblr just seems more interactive and personable than Blogspot.. And since I am an "Artist at Heart" after all, lol, personalizing my blog as much as I can is quite important to me :)
And as a bonus it has an iPhone application which is wonderful because I just got an iPhone!! :))

So I'm torn, I mean blogger was my first love, can I just dump it because I found better? but at the same time should I just settle? I know I probably sound very dramatic right now, but this is serious matter peoples! lol

What do you guys think?

Friday, May 21, 2010


So it's been forever since I've been here...
Forever since I've writ ting anything...
Forever since I've had any thoughts...
Forever since I've taken pictures...
Forever since I've taken time out to be me or to do me...

It's just been forever...

With that said even though I haven't done those things in forever, life did not stop; it kept going whether I took the time out or not.. As we all know time doesn't wait for anyone...

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So life went on and things happened some good, some bad, some moment of great joys and others that were not so pleasant and some were even painful moments...

I won't go into details especially about the sad moments, but I will share one of my time of great joy; As of Thursday May 13, 2010 I am officially a college graduate! The road was not easy nor was short, but I made it and I guess I should be proud.. I didn't do so bad either I finished with good grades and was even awarded an award by my college, Department of Public Health :)

So if anything else I can say that I'm a college graduate!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars ***

Today I kind of felt like a failure...

I decided to start the Master Cleansing Lemonade Diet which is a very drastic no eating for 10 days diet. I thought long and hard about it and I had a few reasons why I wanted to do it; physical and spiritual cleansing. I knew it was going to be hard, but I thought I would be able do it, turns out I could not.

I don't eat a lot throught the day, but my body is wired to eat at certain times during the day and I came to find out that if I don't eat when I'm suppose to eat my brain/body just won't let me off the hook. It became really had focus which was not good especially when I have to study for finals. So I had to stop the diet and of course the disappointment began shortly after. I felt like I had failed at something yet again..
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Thankfully, I was randomly reminded my a friend that one should always shoot for the moon because even if you miss you will land among the stars... With that said I have decided not to look at this as a failure... Maybe the diet just was not designed with me in mind... everyone is different and has their own strength as well as weaknesses. My goal was to achieve physical and spiritual cleansing and there are many ways to accomplish this I just have to find the right way for me.
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I may not have made it to the moon, but there's a star for me :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's been a minute...

Hello readers,

It has been a little while since I've been on here, well actually I should say It's been a while since I've posted something because I do come on my blog almost everyday even if I don't update anything.. I guess I like to come back and read/admire my work lol!

Anyways since I haven't posted anything in a while I decided that I should post something quickly before I lose all my readers! lol. But I really don't have anything to talk about... The past few days have been kind of slow, I've had a lot yet nothing on mind.. It's getting closer to the end of the semester and graduation so all the things I've been pushing aside are coming back up to the surface such as; job hunting,

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,figuring out what the next step in my life will be as far as graduate school so on and so fourth.. All things that quite frankly I don't want to think about :( With that said I'm not quite ready to discuss them yet so I'm going to leave that topic alone.

But I do have something a bit more interesting to introduce; I have decided to start a new project titled Portrait of the Week . For this project I will work on one picture a week, the picture will be a portrait most likely a self portrait and I will try to post the pictures every week as I work on them. I am not sure yet if I will post all the pictures I work on because of privacy issues, but I will try to share as much as possible while being respectful of everyone's privacy. Isn't this exciting?! lol! I'm really excited about the project and I'm sure it will be a good way to explore and improve my photography skills!! So stay tuned for the Picture of the Week!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Birthday!!

I'm year older today :( this is probably not the way to start a post about my birthday, but this is how I really feel :( well I don't actually "feel" older.. whatever that means.. I always hate it when people ask me that question; how do you feel now that you are a year older?" duhhh! I don't feel any different!! You don't wake up the day of your birthday "feeling older" You just know you are and that in itself is depressing enough...Ughhh :(

My birthday this year was a bit different, I really did not want to do anything and I actually told my family and friends not to worry about planning anything because I did not want to do anything. I just wanted to sit around and mope about the fact that I was a year older and still had not accomplish all I wanted to accomplish by this time in my life. But thankfully I have friends who kept insistiing that I do something, and one of my friends proposed that we go to New York and I loved the idea; I did not necessarily have to call it my birthday celebration just an outing with friends, plus who can say no to NYC!! lol. But then the problems started, I wanted all my friends to come with me, but it was not working.. So after much frustration and almost giving up I came up with the idea of having a birthday celebration the night before my birthday with my friends in Philly and spend the day of birthday in NYC with my friends who could make it to NYC. Needless to say it worked out great! I went from having no birthday plans to having two celebration! And with two celebration comes two cakes!!

The night before my bday: Tiramisu fruit cake!

The day of my bday: fruit pie! and yes those are mangoes!

So you may ask how do I feel about my birthday now? (a much better question then "how do you feel now that you are a year older?" lol) I would say that I still feel kind of the same :( I'm still a year older.. but I have to admit that I had a great birthday celebration, both days were great and I was actually sad when the day ended, after all April 10 only comes once a year.. But I thank everyone who made this day special :)

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Yesterday was Easter Sunday, one of my favorite Holydays! I am not sure why it is, but it might have to do with the fact that Easter always falls around my birthday as well as my little brother's birthday. So when I was younger my Mom would always organize our birthday parties together and have it be a birthday/Easter Egg hunt. *Fun times :)

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But of course as I got older I realized that Easter really isn't about the bunny and the chocolate eggs(although i still love them!) But Easter has a deeper and much more important meaning... As we call it at my church Resurection Day.

So I did some research to find out where the word Easter came from and I found out that it originated from the Anglo-Saxon word Eastre. Eastre was a was a pagan goddess, the goddess of spring, who symbolized new the life that came along with the spring season. When Christians came through Europe they took the pagan celebration and linked it to the resurection of Christ which which went right along with the idea of new life or new begining. Ok I completely went of topic! lol, well at least now you know the origine of the word Easter.

Now back to the task at hand.. so what is the meaning of Easter or Resurection Day? and why is it so important? Well I always knew that it was imporant because Easter is the celebration of Jesus' rising from the dead after his cricifiction to go back to his father. But I was reminded or maybe even taught for the first time the true importance of his resurection. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15;

"If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith."
versus, 14. "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins" versus 17.

How powerful is this? As Christians we always put so much importance on the fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins but we can't just stop there! Because if he had just died and stayed in the tomb then how diffirent would his death had been from any other man's death?? But thank God the story doesn't end there; He died on the cross for our sins and ROSE again so that we may live in our sins NO more! And to top it all He's alive! So yes it is a new beginning! A new life in Christ! A life where sin has no power over me, I may trip and fall... actually I will trip and fall, but at least I have faith and the assurence that in Christ Jesus, who was crucified on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead so I that may have eternal life in Him, will help me get back up!! What a wonderful truth to be reminded of on Easter Sunday!

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Happy Easter!